July 2-3 Safe Tech International News and Notes
Cell Tower Genetic Damage, ChatGPT re: COSMOS, Charlemont MA Moratorium, China and Minerals, Katie Singer, Jeremy Naydler
We seem to believe that the data we access from the tremendous processing power of ChatGPT is worth its grotesque water and energy consumption, not remembering that it only reflects what has been digitized.
In ‘Hospicing Modernity’ Vanessa Machado de Oliveira writes about 1. the denial of systemic, historic and ongoing violence and of complicity in harm. and 2. the denial of the limits of the planet and of the unsustainability of modern coloniality (the fact that the finite earth metabolism cannot sustain exponential growth, consumption, extraction, exploitation, and expropriation indefinitely). “Driven by expansion, colonialism, and resource extraction and propelled by neoliberalism and rabid consumption, our world is profoundly out of balance.” Does ChatGPT address or sustain imbalance? (See the censorship tale below by Louis Slesin at Microwave News)
Not to be missed: Katie Singer’s new substack post.
KATIE SINGER on Substack: Journals, letters, I’ve loved you: an accounting of archives, history and digitalization and some additional news stories
Charlemont, MA Strengthens Their Telecom By-Law and Passes a Smart Meter Moratorium After three years of work by the Planning Board, Hilltown Health and Franklin Regional Council of Governments, a major update was passed at the Charlemont, MA Town Meeting. Some of the highlights include: Defining 5G and requiring a hearing for "small cell" applications, Strengthening insurance requirements and shifting the burden away from the town and to the carrier in the event of lawsuits following injury to residents, Requiring that carrier applications include real "dropped call data" rather than computer generated (and easily fudged) "propagation maps" when a Big Tech carrier wants to show a gap in service. Smart Meters in MA - Hilltown Health Resources related to the impending rollout of "smart" meters in MA Charlemont Residents: Thank you for voting "Yes" on the one year moratorium at the May 28th Town Meeting to give the town time to explore running the "Smart Grid" through our existing fiber network which would save energy, reduce fire risk, reduce risk of health impacts and not require installing unsightly wireless repeaters on telephone poles around town like the current plan. The current plan is for the smart meters to emit microwave radiation into your home to connect with all of your "smart devices" in order to re-sell your personal data at a profit. Hilltown Health Thank you for the incredible work by Jonathan Mirin and Godelieve Richards of the Piti Theatre Company on this issue.
Read about their advocacy shows To Bee or Not To Bee and Canary in a Gold Mine, and see more artwork by Godelieve HERE
CELLPHONES COSMOS STUDY: The Cohort Study on Mobile Phones and Health (COSMOS) The authors of COSMOS mobile phone-brain tumor study (Feychting et al., 2024a) failed to address numerous issues in their response (Feychting et al., 2024b) to the ICBE-EMF letter (Moskowitz et al., 2024) critiquing their study. ICBE-EMF stands by its call for a retraction of the study's conclusions and demands that the data set be made available to independent investigators who have no industry ties. Mads Rohde (MR), an advisor to the Norwegian cancer registry, input the text from the ICBE-EMF letter into ChatGPT followed by the response to the letter. Then MR submitted the following queries to ChatGPT:
MR: so u see the first was a critique and the next was a reply? ChatGPT: "Yes, I see that the first document was a critique of the COSMOS study on mobile phone use and brain tumor risk, pointing out several methodological flaws and issues with exposure and outcome assessment, latency periods, statistical power, and potential funding bias. The second document was a reply from the authors of the COSMOS study, addressing the criticisms, defending their methodology, explaining their exposure assessment and outcome ascertainment, and emphasizing the independence and rigor of their research process."
MR: ok, tell me what the response did not adequately address (which limitations that still apply even if we take their reply for being true) ChatGPT: "Here are the limitations that the response from the COSMOS study authors did not adequately address, even if we take their reply at face value:
Exposure Assessment Limitations:
Lack of Updated Exposure Information: The reply acknowledges that the study did not update exposure information during the follow-up period (median 7.12 years), which is crucial as mobile phone technology and usage patterns evolved significantly during this time.
Variability in RF-EMF Exposure: The reply did not adequately address the substantial variability in RF-EMF exposure due to different cellular technologies and signal strengths. While they mention that newer technologies emit lower levels of RF-EMF, the exposure from earlier technologies was not comprehensively accounted for.
Confounding Factors and Other RF-EMF Sources:
Other RF-EMF Sources: The response did not fully address the critique that the study did not control for other sources of RF-EMF exposure such as cordless phones, Wi-Fi routers, and cell towers.
Unexposed Group: The lack of a completely unexposed group remains a limitation. The authors argue that non-users would be an unsuitable comparison group due to confounding factors, but this does not mitigate the critique that without an unexposed group, the ability to detect risk differences is compromised.
Outcome Assessment Issues:
Under-Reporting of Brain Tumors: While the authors refuted the claim of under-reporting based on administrative changes, the potential under-reporting in cancer registries remains a concern, especially for benign tumors like meningioma. The response did not convincingly dismiss the possibility of under-reporting affecting the study's results.
Statistical Power:
Insufficient Number of Cases: The response acknowledges limited statistical power, especially for acoustic neuroma and meningioma. Despite their defense, the critique that the study had fewer cases than expected and thus limited power to detect significant associations stands valid.
Latency Periods:
Insufficient Long-Term Data: The response did not adequately address the critique about insufficient long-term follow-up data. For cancers with long latency periods, the study's follow-up duration may not be sufficient to detect potential risks associated with long-term mobile phone use.
Funding and Potential Bias:
Industry Funding Influence: The reply defends the independence of the study despite industry funding. However, the critique about potential funding bias due to partial industry funding and its influence on research outcomes remains a point of concern that was not fully mitigated by the authors' response.
In summary, while the COSMOS study authors addressed many points raised in the critique, significant limitations regarding exposure assessment, confounding factors, outcome assessment, statistical power, latency periods, and potential funding bias still apply and were not completely resolved by their reply." References at post link: Electromagnetic Radiation Safety: The Cohort Study on Mobile Phones and Health (COSMOS) (saferemr.com)
MICROWAVE NEWS: Cell Tower Radiation Linked to Genetic Changes in Nearby Residents More Chromosomal Aberrations A Finding Too Hot To Handle Senior European scientists are reporting that people living near cell phone towers show significant changes in their genetic makeup. This is the first time that chronic exposure to cell tower radiation has been linked to unrepairable genetic damage. A team led by Wilhelm Mosgöller of the Medical University of Vienna and Igor Belyaev of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava contend that years of low-dose RF exposure can increase the incidence of a number of different types of chromosomal aberrations. Such changes could lead to serious, though uncertain, health consequences, including cancer and neurological disease. (Chromosomes are strands of DNA coiled around proteins.) The new study is small —but provocative. It’s persuaded Mosgöller and Belyaev that they may have identified a “biologically plausible mechanism” for how RF radiation can cause cancer. [] More at link: Microwave News | Cell Tower Radiation Linked to Genetic Changes in Nearby Residents
AI: Brazil data regulator bans Meta from mining data to train AI models The decision stems from "the imminent risk of serious and irreparable or difficult-to-repair damage to the fundamental rights of the affected data subjects," the agency said in the nation's official gazette. The social media company has also encountered resistance to its privacy policy update in Europe, where it recently put on hold its plans to start feeding people's public posts into training AI systems—which was supposed to start last week. In the U.S., where there's no national law protecting online privacy, such training is already happening.
AUTOMOBILES: How drivers and cars understand each other Depending on the level of automation, drivers either need to focus on the road or they can focus on other things. These differing user requirements and the ability to change between the different levels depending on the road situation make it a complex task to define and design suitable interactions for each level. In addition, the interaction and design must ensure that drivers are always aware of the current level of automation so that they can perform their role correctly. The applications developed in the KARLI project have three main focus points, [] First, warnings and information should encourage level-compliant behavior, [] Secondly, the risk of motion sickness—one of the biggest problems with passive driving—needs to be anticipated and minimized. []Various AI-supported sensors record the activities in the car, with the key elements being optical sensors in the interior cameras. Current legislation for autonomous driving is making these mandatory in any case in order to ensure that the driver is capable of driving. [] Diederichs compares the interaction in the vehicle of the future to a butler who stays in the background but understands the context and offers the best possible support to the vehicle's occupants. https://techxplore.com/news/2024-07-drivers-cars.html (see image at link)
CHILDREN/YOUTH: A Gen Z Perspective On Why We Must Pass The Kids Online Safety Act Social media holds immense promise to connect us. But to reap the benefits, we need to regulate it first. In this post, UNC-Chapel Hill student and Young People’s Alliance Co-Founder Sam Hiner argues that we need regulation in order to enjoy the benefits of social media. He advocates for the Kids Online Safety Act, a bipartisan bill now cosponsored by 70 senators. Sam addresses misconceptions about the bill and highlights its endorsements by numerous youth-led organizations. At this point, the main obstacle to the bill’s progress seems to be the lobbying efforts of the social media companies. HERE
CHILDREN/YOUTH SCREENAGERS: 8 Podcasts I Recommend for Summer 2024 Show: Planet Money Episode: The birth of the modern consumer movement (May 3, 2024), Show: Freakonomics Episode: Are you caught in a social media trap? (March 7, 2024), Show: Modern Love Episode: How to be real with your kids — about apologies (March 27, 2024), Show: The Economics of Everyday Things Episode: Storage units (April 21, 2024) Show: People I Mostly Admire Episode: John Green’s Reluctance (Nov 11, 2022), Bonus Pick: The Screenagers Podcast Recent Episodes: Jonathan Haidt Explains the Youth Mental Health Crisis (June 10, 2024) more info at link: Screenagers Blog | 8 Podcasts I Recommend for Summer 2024 (screenagersmovie.com)
CHILDREN YOUTH: Teenagers Incur Unpayable Emotional Debt by Living at the Speed of Light (thealgorithmicbridge.com)
CHILDREN YOUTH SOCIAL MEDIA PRO-INDUSTRY: The Constitutional Problems with Social Media Warning Labels While Murthy’s desire to help minors and parents undoubtedly is sincere, carefully parsing his words reveals two problems. First, the proposed warning is based on an alleged correlation—an association—between social media platforms and mental health harms, not proof of a direct causal link. According to the World Health Organization, many things are associated with negative mental health among adolescents, including “exposure to adversity, pressure to conform with peers, and exploration of identity,” as well as “violence (especially sexual violence and bullying), harsh parenting and severe and socioeconomic problems.” Just how much social media platforms may contribute to mental health problems relative to these other variables is unclear. More provocatively put by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Murthy’s proposal constitutes shameful fear-mongering that lacks scientific evidence and turns the nation’s top physician into a censor. This claim is particularly alarming given the far more complex and nuanced picture that studies have drawn about how social media and young people’s mental health interact. The second point relates to Murthy’s statement “that social media has not been proved safe.” As the Washington Post’s Cristiano Lima-Strong recently observed, this shifts the burden from the government having to prove that social media platforms cause harm to private businesses having “to prove their apps are safe enough for kids to use.” Such a shifting of the burden is particularly problematic because social media platforms convey speech that is fully protected by the First Amendment. The onus thus should fall squarely on the government to prove that a speech-centric service that allows minors to communicate with each other and to receive lawful expression is demonstrably harmful. For comparison’s sake, government-mandated warning labels for cigarettes don’t affect a First Amendment sheltered service. This leads to the larger question of whether slapping on a government-required warning label proclaiming (in Murthy’s words) that “social media is associated with significant mental health harms for adolescents” would pass constitutional muster. [] the threshold problem for Murthy is that his warning is not purely factual and uncontroversial. Instead, it relates to a topic—the alleged deleterious effects of social media platforms—that is hotly contest today and for which there is not yet a purely factual answer. In sum, while Murthy’s goals are noble, his proposed method of effectuating them is fatally flawed. https://www.aei.org/technology-and-innovation/the-constitutional-problems-with-social-media-warning-labels/
CONSUMER PRODUCTS WI-FI SPEEDS: Slow Connection? Bandwidth Hogs Nearly Cut My Wi-Fi Speeds in Half Are all your connected devices competing for bandwidth and slowing everything down? Same. Here are a few tips to help you optimize your connection. Other ways to improve your Wi-Fi speeds If your router is optimized for peak performance but your speeds still fall short of your devices’ demand, you may be able to boost your Wi-Fi speeds by: Using an Ethernet connection. We’ve seen first-hand the impact using Ethernet versus Wi-Fi can have on speeds and connection quality. Not only will using a wired Ethernet connection improve performance on the plugged-in device, it will free up some space on your Wi-Fi network, allowing for more bandwidth to other devices. If you can’t plug in, try moving closer to the router, if possible. Slow Connection? Bandwidth Hogs Nearly Cut My Wi-Fi Speeds in Half - CNET
EHS: CHD Urges FCC to End Discrimination Against People Disabled by Electromagnetic Sensitivity Children’s Health Defense led advocacy groups in replying to the Federal Communications Commission’s request for comments on preventing digital discrimination by urging the commission to accommodate the electromagnetically sensitive. by Children’s Health Defense Team Children’s Health Defense (CHD) and a coalition of more than 80 nonprofits — including disability advocacy groups, safe technology groups and individuals — responded to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) request for comments on how to “prevent and eliminate digital discrimination.” The June 30 “Reply Comments of Advocates for the EMS-Disabled” summarized more than 330 comments submitted by the public since the comment period opened on March 17. In addition to calling for acceptance, affirmation and inclusion of people for whom electromagnetic sensitivity (EMS) is a disability, the June 30 reply comments made these two key points:
The FCC should always prioritize “to-the-premises” fiber solutions and rely on wireless only when wiring is technically or economically infeasible or the main purpose is mobility.
If the FCC is sincere about achieving “diversity, equity and inclusion,” it must recognize the specific and profoundly deleterious effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on the EMS-disabled and take immediate measures within its regulatory remit to address and solve this growing plight.
FCC: INDUSTRY BENTON Chairwoman Rosenworcel's Response Regarding Competitive Broadband Access in Multiple Tenant Environments FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel |Letter | Federal Communications Commission On May 20, Rep Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL) wrote to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel to express concerns regarding the Chairwoman's proposal to prohibit bulk-billing arrangements in multi-dwelling units. On June 10, Chairwoman Rosenworcel responded, explaining that the proposed rulemaking has the potential to "empower consumer choice and boost competition." "As you note in your letter, the last time the Commission revisited this issue was in 2010, when it found that these arrangements can predominately offer benefits to consumers. I agree that it is important to take that last record into account. However, a lot can change in 14 years and, as is true with many policies in the telecommunications sector, it is often in the public interest to reexamine long-standing policies to ensure they have kept up with changes in technology and the marketplace, especially when it comes to consumer protection and choice. HERE
FCC: Democratic Rep 'Deeply Concerned' about Rosenworcel’s Bulk Billing Proposal WASHINGTON, July 1, 2024 – FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel's plan to ban the bulk billing of Internet service in apartment buildings and other multiple dwelling units continues to draw criticism from Capitol Hill, including Democrats. Rosenworcel’s controversial proposal, unveiled in March, caught the attention of Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, a Florida Democrat, who wants the agency to reconsider the ban. https://broadbandbreakfast.com/democratic-rep-deeply-concerned-about-rosenworcels-bulk-billing-proposal/
5G MILITARY: Seaworthy: U.S. Navy and Partners “Set Sail” with 5G After five years of testing, the U.S. Navy is ready to implement 5G on ships. The Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) reported that implementing 5G onboard Navy vessels will improve sailors’ quality of life and work, known as Quality of Service (QoS). [] According to DVIDS, the NIWC Atlantic 5G team has developed a reference architecture for shipwide, littoral, blue-water, pier-side, and ashore operational domains. They have also designed and implemented the Department of Defense’s (DoD) maritime 5G multi-vendor (shipboard and pier-side networks) testbed, which enables the experimentation of 5G networks and user equipment in a wide range of 5G frequencies. Lastly, they implemented the DoD’s first Voice over New Radio and Video over New Radio private 5G network, achieving improved QoS. Seaworthy: U.S. Navy and Partners “Set Sail” with 5G - Inside Towers
HAVANA SYNDROME POLITICS: Havana syndrome hit Biden during presidential debate, conspiracy theorists claim Claims have emerged on social media ever since the presidential debate aired, and are leading to extended conversations on the topic. Social media user Igor Sushko took to X (formerly Twitter) on late Sunday evening to write that Biden’s symptoms during the presidential debate were akin to those of a victim of ‘Havana syndrome.’ In his post on X, Sushko further said that the possibility of Biden suffering from Havana syndrome was conveyed to him by a former KGB (Russian) spy – who had defected to US in 1993. Conspiracy theorists claim Havana Syndrome affected Joe Biden (interestingengineering.com) (the circus continues)
HEALTH OT Pattern of Brain Damage Is Pervasive in Navy SEALs Who Died by Suicide AXIOS SUMMARY HERE: The vast majority of Navy SEALs' blast exposure — which is damaging their brains, leading to a tragic wave of suicides — "comes from firing their own weapons, not from enemy action," the N.Y. Times' Dave Philipps writes in an article that's painful and infuriating to read. Why it matters: "The damage pattern suggested that years of training intended to make SEALs exceptional was leaving some barely able to function."A military lab found distinctive damage from repeated blast exposure in every brain it tested, but Navy SEAL leaders were kept in the dark about the pattern. Blast waves may kill brain cells without causing any immediately noticeable symptoms, according to Dr. Daniel Daneshvar, chief of brain injury rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School. “People may be getting injured without even realizing it,” Dr. Daneshvar said. “But over time, it can add up.” People’s brains can often compensate until injuries accumulate to a critical level, he said; then, “people kind of fall off a cliff.” NYTIMES HERE (what happens with long-term vibration from microwave hearing? the cliff?)
INSPIRATION UK: Remembering Who We Truly Are in the Face of the Digital Revolution BY JEREMY NAYDLER The Interiority of Nature From nature, too, a price is exacted by the Digital Revolution, which has swamped the natural environment with a complex mix of artificially generated electromagnetic fields. As a result, not just human beings but all living organisms are exposed to levels of electromagnetic radiation far in excess of natural background levels. It would be unwise to assume that this does not have any adverse effect on the wellbeing of living organisms and the ecosystems to which they belong. A growing number of studies show that many organisms are highly sensitive to electromagnetic fields, and that increasing their exposure to them can indeed have demonstrable negative effects. It seems appropriate, at the very least, to extend the remit of the question originally posed by Lyotard to nature and ask: “What if what is ‘proper’ to nature were to be inhabited by that which is hostile to nature? What if the living world were to be infiltrated by a force inimical to life?” The rollout of 5G is premised on a further significant increase in the overall amount of radiofrequency radiation to which the planet will be subjected. 5G will help to establish a global ‘electronic ecosystem’ that, in addition to servicing the technological desires and aspirations of city-dwellers living in their ‘smart homes’, will also enable greater monitoring and control of natural ecosystems and living creatures. It involves the insertion of the electronic ecosystem into these natural ecosystems, in order to create a ‘smart planet’. The Western wisdom tradition has long acknowledged two aspects of nature: visible and invisible, or manifest and unmanifest. The physical forms that we perceive in the world around us arise from non-perceptible creative and formative forces, which must be taken into account if we are to grasp things in their wholeness. It is these forces which carry the energies of life, just as surely as electromagnetic radiation opposes them. One of the challenges we face today is to overcome our collective de-sensitisation to these subtle life-forces. One step towards doing so is to free ourselves from the dominant utilitarian stance towards nature, which prioritises data-collection and analysis and ever seeks practical results, but is closed to nature’s interiority just as it is closed to the interior of our soul-life. A different kind of consciousness is needed – more receptive, open and empathetic. Regarding this different kind of consciousness, Goethe advised: Our full attention must be focused on the task of listening to nature, to overhear the secret of her process. Remembering Who We Truly Are in the Face of the Digital Revolution - New Dawn – World's Most Unusual Magazine (newdawnmagazine.com)
LEGAL: Supreme Court Sends Back Challenges to State Social Media Laws Justices did not rule on the merits of the cases, but made clear they think the laws were unlikely to survive. The Supreme Court on Monday handed back to lower courts two challenges to state laws that curbed social media companies’ ability to moderate content. Tech trade associations NetChoice and the Computer & Communications Industry Association challenged the laws, one in Florida and one in Texas, alleging they violated the companies’ First Amendment rights. The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a district court injunction against the law, finding the law unlikely to survive scrutiny, while the Fifth Circuit axed such an injunction, finding moderation practices were not covered by the First Amendment. In a unanimous decision that the cases needed further appellate-level review, the Supreme Court told both courts to look at the cases again, saying they didn’t use the proper analysis. https://broadbandbreakfast.com/supreme-court-sends-back-challenges-to-state-social-media-laws/
LEGAL DECISION U.S. Chevron, Pam Martens Wallstreetonparade.com: “[]the U.S. Supreme Court announced a decision that repealed 40 years of precedent known as the “Chevron doctrine.” The doctrine stems from the 1984 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, one of the most cited cases in U.S. judicial history. The Chevron deference doctrine has required courts to defer to federal government agencies’ interpretations of laws when there are gaps or ambiguities in the wording of the statutes. The doctrine has allowed federal agencies to protect the water Americans drink, the air they breathe, food and drug safety and a vast range of worker protections. The two cases before the U.S. Supreme Court that resulted in the overturning of the Chevron doctrine were – wait for it – tied to Charles Koch-related front groups.” The Debate Disaster and the Supreme Court’s “Chevron” Repeal Have a Money Trail Leading to Charles Koch
AND CHD In Blow to Federal Agency Power Supreme Court Reverses 40-Year-Old Ruling The U.S. Supreme Court last week overturned the Chevron deference doctrine that for 40 years had given federal regulatory agencies the upper hand when challenged in court. Legal experts said the move will likely have mixed results. []W. Scott McCollough, lead litigator for Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) & Wireless cases and a practitioner of administrative law for more than 40 years, told The Defender he was “happy to see the Chevron deference doctrine go” because it “mostly benefitted the powerful.” Agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Federal Communications Commission are supposed to work for the public — but when they are captured by industry, deferring to their “expertise” may mean deferring to the preferences of the industry they’re supposed to regulate, McCollough said. “The bottom line is that the doctrine gave the powerful — the people who control the agencies — a huge thumb on the scale,” said McCollough, “making it nearly impossible for regular people to challenge agency favoritism in court.” https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/supreme-court-overturn-chevron-deference-doctrine/
AND: Municipalities Cheer SCOTUS Overturn of Chevron The municipal community, which sometimes finds itself at loggerheads with the FCC, responded positively to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overrule the Chevron deferential doctrine. Tripp May, Managing Partner of Telecom Law Firm PC, which represents municipalities in matters before the FCC, said the decision represents a “colossal shift” and “spells trouble” for the wireless industry’s ability to influence the FCC.The inability of the courts to overturn FCC decisions “significantly empowered and emboldened” the federal agency, according to May. “Over the last four decades, federal agencies have had overwhelming success against judicial challenges to their actions,” he said. “[The court’s decision] sends a new and clear signal that the winning streak for federal administrative agencies has come to an end.” Dr. Jonathan Kramer, Telecom Law Firm’s Founding Partner, said that the wireless industry has been successful in getting Congress to pass legislation that was “riddled with ambiguities” and convincing the FCC to interpret the laws in a favorable way to the wireless industry. “The extra degree of difficulty imposed on federal agencies [in this court decision] could well be a good thing,” Kramer said. “Congress could be spurred to pass clearer and more focused laws, and the FCC might be moved to more carefully consider and discuss whether it faithfully implemented congressional intent before it adopts new rules.” https://insidetowers.com/municipalities-cheer-scotus-overturn-of-chevron/
MA4SafeTech Podcasts hosted by Cece Doucette WCCA-TV: Tech Safe 36 David DeHaas WCCA-TV: Tech Safe 35 Courtney & Amelia Gilardi WCCA-TV: Tech Safe 34 Idahoans For Safe Tech
MILITARY: Wales strong opposition high-powered radar station https://space4peace.blogspot.com/2024/06/no-radar-meeting-standing-room-only-as.html
MINERALS PODCAST: 121 - Rare Earth Elements: The Futile Fight Against China The Red LineAs the world pivots towards a green energy future, the dominance of rare earth elements has never been more crucial. Yet, while the West has been preoccupied with other geopolitical challenges, China has quietly taken control of this vital industry. This episode delves into the strategic manoeuvres that allowed China to secure a near-monopoly on rare earth production and the consequential vulnerabilities faced by Western economies. By focusing on technological advancements and resource acquisition, China has positioned itself as the gatekeeper of essential materials for modern technology and renewable energy. Has the West, with its divided attention, failed to anticipate this shift and what are the strategic missteps that led to this imbalance. The Red Line: 121 - Rare Earth Elements: The Futile Fight Against China on Apple Podcasts 1 HOUR 9 MINUTES (courtesy Kate)
NATURE INDUSTRY: Laser, sonar technology finds that a northern California reservoir's capacity has shrunk by 3% The California state Department of Water Resources has started using laser and sonar technology to measure reservoir capacity, determining that Lake Oroville, the State Water Project's largest reservoir, has shrunk since its creation in 1960. In 2021, the DWR used laser pulses mounted on an airplane to map parts of the basin's terrain that were not underwater at the time due to historically low lake levels. Following that, in 2022, a boat sent sonar pulses into Lake Oroville to map the underwater terrain. Engineers calculated that the reservoir had 3% less capacity—over 100,000 acre-feet—than previously estimated. Laser, sonar technology finds that a northern California reservoir's capacity has shrunk by 3% (phys.org)
PRIVACY: How to stop Google from listening to your every word Kim Komando
SCIENCE: Survey finds public perception of scientists' credibility has slipped
SECURITY: Man Accused of Setting Up ‘Evil Twin’ WiFi at Airports After the arrest of a man accused of setting up “evil twin” WiFi networks in multiple airports to steal people’s data, police in Australia warned the public about using free networks. Perth resident Michael Clapsis, 42, appeared in a court in the city Friday and was granted bail on nine cybercrime charges, WA Today reports. He was arrested in April after an airline employee raised concerns about a suspicious network that appeared during a domestic flight, reports the Guardian. Man Accused of Setting Up 'Evil Twin' WiFi at Airports - Activist Post MORE CYBERCRIMES HERE
SOCIAL MEDIA VIA PEERS: Key news articles on the dirty secret that social media companies subject content moderators in developing nations to horrifying working conditions to keep disturbing material out of our feeds, glaring problems with Google's new AI overviews. more Social Media's Dirty Secret (wanttoknow.info)
CHD Take Action: Demand WHO End Bias in Wireless Radiation Research Major Flaws of the WHO-Funded Review Only five of 3,945 studies were used in the review– over 99% of studies were ignored. Multiple authors of the review have financial ties to telecommunications companies. None of the five selected studies consider the effects of cumulative exposure from multiple RF radiation sources. None of the five selected studies consider the effects of Fifth Generation Wireless Networks (5G), which has substantially increased environmental RF radiation exposure. None of the five selected studies consider the long-term effects of RF radiation exposure. Email - Take Action: Demand WHO End Bias in Wireless Radiation Research - Children's Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org)
MA4safetechnology Monthly Update Meeting Wednesday, July 17, 12 Noon ET Meeting Registration - Zoom
MA4safetechnology Free Public Education Webinars: Wireless Technology Risks & Safer Solutions with Cece Doucette Upcoming Webinars with New Mexicans for Safe Technology
9/21-22 Tanja Rebel speaks out for GLOBAL 5G PROTEST FOR FREEDOM Next Global 5G Protest will take place on 21/22 September. Interview with Tanja Rebel - twenty minutes, recorded on the Isle of Wight Monday 24th of June about Electrosmog, and announces next Global 5G Protest 21/22 September which will focus on stopping the satellites. Video Here. 20 minutes
That article linking the blast waves from our own weapons and training leading to brain damage in Seals I found interesting.
"Blast waves may kill brain cells without causing any immediately noticeable symptoms, according to Dr. Daniel Daneshvar, chief of brain injury rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School."
I've read and seen other ways in which service affects people whether it's walking around with massive amounts of weight destroying the lower body, or peoples sleep cycle still being in disarray for years after they left.
This also demonstrates that the negative effects of anything( like nnEMF) don't surface till years down the road.