Please please please people read these articles and learn just how damaging EMR is.

Diana has meticulously documented how insects and small wildlife are being wiped out; those that are left are often mutated and no doubt will become extinct all too soon.

Food crops and wild plants are also seriously affected with mutations and difficulty even producing a crop. The latest mutation being distinct lack of pollen on male flowers.

It is disturbing and scary to read but hopefully it will inspire and motivate you to do something, anything

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The first major city to install 5G was Wuhan China, just before....

Your neighbor won't face the stink or the work of fixing his cistern. So--get his agreement, and YOU do it for him.

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Your article mentioned Faraday cages as a method of coping with EMR on a local basis. There are people like Lloyd Burrell and Nick Pineault with courses on coping with this. Another whole approach is the mineral Shungite. One source on that is N.L. Hopkins and her book "Shungite Reality," which discusses honeybee rescue as well as people.

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Apparently Substack has stopped this article from being reposted/restacked, exposing their collaboration with the destruction of nature!

Shame on you !

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Such an important post!

No insects, no humans= net zero agenda.

Many have tried to go to the courts about this, only to have the "judge" dismiss it or call the FCC the authority on the ruling.

It will be up to the people to rectify the situation.

All towers are illegal, uninsured and not tested.

The stupid police and military forces will not give up their surveillance platform, neither the bankers knowing it is vital for the digital cash and ID system coming .

It's the only local and doable solution I've found for stopping this technocratic militarized agenda moving forward.

A worldwide action should be co ordinates this November, before it's to late.

They'll not crash the system, if there's no other system to replace it!

Thank you for your tale, a parable of significant importance.



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Seeing a random butterfly while out and about has even become an enjoyable yet less common event!

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