Over the last 5 years, I have gotten rid of so much stuff. (A free box outside my house has been very helpful in this...because I did it a few items at a time). I am still floored by how little one needs to do all the daily things. My parents, both born around the Great Depression, held on to everything and overbought (cheap prepackaged) foods. I am proud to say I never buy 'extras' (some stocking up of course on staples), and the very small house I have feels so much bigger now. If I can get the idiot meter off the house (it's causing me heart palps and tinnitus that is debilitating), I might be able to, and want to, stay. Otherwise, I have to look at selling and trying to build a low EMF cabin. Thanks for your site it's very helpful and wide reaching.

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I too recall growing up in a home where sheets of aluminum foil were folded and reused and there was far less waste than our current throwaway society. And like you, I find it liberating to rehome stuff – less to dust and keep track of, and nice to know that someone else who actually needs the item will enjoy it. Downsizing is like a cosmic colonic!! So healthy!

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All the "smart" technology is a Trojan Horse designed to destroy the recipient. Per article:

- Cyber Warfare – attacks on computer systems and connected infrastructure

- Electronic Warfare – battles in the electromagnetic spectrum; electromagnetic pulse attacks potentially downing a nations entire electrical grid; or directed energy weapons used to fry components.

- Cognitive Warfare – manipulation of how people think, feel, and act.

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