This is a tremendous article! Such an important topic. However, there is a paradox here: most people addicted to their smart phone, are used to quick reads, and this is very, very long and somewhat repetitious. This doesn't in any manner limit its critical importance. Everything in this very informative article is completely true. But I think, to attract the addictive smart phone users, it needs to be shorter. . . . I had a smart phone about 9 years ago, but I had horrible headaches right away, and found that the myopia was a potential threat. I am very happy with my 1999 burner, and only use it for practical, no-more than 1 minute calls. But everyone around me is addicted to their smart phone. What is sad, is that most people know it, but just can't find the right moment to step away. It definitely requires a detox state of mind. What we need is a campaign to help people. . . Thank you, for allowing me to comment.

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so true about attention spans - glad you ditched that phone - i use none and no wireless tech at all - health effects (esp headaches) are just too much for me.

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I am with you on that, Yantra!

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thank you Patricia for this post (and Sean too).

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Dopamines and drug addiction all based on drug addition limiting your time with other humans!

The dark aeon, singularity! Pure addiction, just like being addicted to Heroin!

People go to concerts and are filming thru a phone to watch later!

The actual connection to your environment and the music is lost in the digital haze!

Digital lives conformity to digital rules! Can not say that, better not say this I will not get any dopamine likes before breakfast ! Instant karma in a digital world of make believe!

The Wizard of oz, scarecrow needed a brain, tin man a heart, the lion needed courage.

All there issues and problems could be solved by the man behind the curtain!

The digital Gods will command you! Steal your brains, break your heart and steal your courage. But if you click your heals three times wearing magical Ruby slippers, back home to the life you remember will be found, If you disconnect from the digital Gods!

World of digital junkies searching for the next dopamine hit!

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Wow Patricia this is an awesome article, it is very long but more than worth the read, lets get more people reading this, I myself have started to detox and get off the computer. I am now only on in the morning. Since i moved over to Vancouver Island, where i now live the cell phone does not work well, and yet my cell bill is over its data every month, so I got a land line, although they say it is on the old land lines, I believe they are lying as it is plugged into a box. I turn off the 5G tower I asked not to have in my house after I am off the computer. Thank you again, I just read it to the other half that is litterly addicted to his phone. It is so sad, the new fentanyl

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What a great contribution this article is -- thank you!

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